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Introduction to Contemporary Literature

1. What have your previous experiences with English classes been like?
  My previous English classes in High School, I can say that most of them have been good.  Some of them had more work than the others, and some had teachers that I either liked or disliked more than one another.

2. Do you like to read?  Why or why not?
  For me, reading is a complicated subject.  Not in the sense of difficulty, but rather in if I enjoy it or not.  Reading can be good if I chose to read a book on my own accord and it is intriguing, but typically if I am required to read a book, I do not enjoy it.  This isn't saying that I don't always enjoy required reading because there have been a few instances in which I do enjoy it.  For example, my favorite book was a required read from not that long ago.

3. What do you hope to get out of this Contemporary Literature class?
  What I hope to get out of this class is a new understanding of reading altogether.  I don't usually read out of my own free will, but I hope that this class will change that by offering new and interesting reads for me to enjoy.


  1. I totally understand the part about how you don't usually read for fun. It's hard to find a good book and to take the time to read with everything else going on. Hopefully this class will change that for the both of us.

  2. I also hope to find some new interesting books in this class that can help expand what I read.

  3. I have that same problem of trying to keep interested in the book when that book was just chosen for me to read.

  4. Hey Joseph,
    I hope you find this semester's books interesting! I think they may even give you a nice spark to pick out more books to enjoy in your free time as well. I'm looking forward to another awesome semester together.
    - Mr. D


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