This Ted Talk is about how little actions can have large effects. It also focuses on how many little actions can bind together also have a large effect. Reflection What I Knew (And didn’t know about my topic when I started out) The idea of cause and effect (I believe) is very prominent within our everyday lives, so of course, I knew how to bring it into my presentation. However, the idea of causality was new to me but was nonetheless interesting to bring into the presentation. Along with "cause and effect", I already knew the schools of philosophy I brought up (Existentialism, Relativism, Determinism) due to another thing I already knew about, the show "The Good Place". Then there's also the whole idea of cause and effect within physics and ethics. The ideas are brought up quite often in my life, probably due to how I go to U of D. Why I Selected This Topic ...
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King can only be described as an experience. The book follows 17-year-old Vera Dietz in a journey of self-discovery starting with the death of her best friend Charlie Kahn. Although the cause of his death was seemingly known, only Vera knows what really happened to Charlie. This story follows her through two separate timelines, one of her past experiences in chronological order and the other of the present, that both contribute towards understanding her thought process as it leads up to the climax of her decision to either tell about or keep secret about the true circumstances of Charlie’s death. The plot that is described in a variety of different perspectives sends the reader on a wild thought process that leaves them confused as to whether or not Vera will come clean about the mysterious death of her longtime friend. The experience that is this book leaves a sense of pride and sympathy for the characters within the novel, and isn’t that all that’s re...